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[E] chiney
[E] chiney
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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ok, if you havent heard about mychonny, or any chonny for that matter you probably wont know what im talking about. Archer fort is a game made by chonny and his friend tom where you get 64 cobblestone, 4 tnt, a bow, A LOT of arrows, and a wooden pickaxe. you start on ice with a 4-6 stone thick barrier betwwen you and your opponent. you have to use your 64 blocks to make a fort of some sort to shoot your opponent across the barrier. you have to put your 4 tnt on your fort. you can go through the barrier but you can only use your pickaxe while in the barrier and on the opponents side. you can smash the tnt with the pickaxe and run back to your side to wait for your enemy to blow up. the game is over when someone dies. you get no armor or kits of any kind while in the game. there is a video on youtube of chonny and tom playing but there is very course language . i take no credit for the idea what so ever. i hope someone can make this game possible in minetown. sorry about all the capitalization, punctuation, and spelling errors, i tried to type this as fast as possible.
over 13 years ago
i want to buy or own a hous in minetown but no one will answer me on how to buy/get a lot to build a house. any help is appriciated
over 13 years ago
i recently turned in a application and i just wondered how long it wold take to hear back
over 13 years ago